


大奥马哈商会 Urban Core Commitee, March 2022

This long-range vision for Omaha connects communities while supporting neighborhoods in and surrounding the core. It looks to create jobs and provide living 机会 for 所有 年龄s and incomes. 它吸引游客, inspires investment and enhances the quality of life for everyone in the region.

Click the link below to learn more from the 大奥马哈商会’s Urban Core committee.



On 2022年1月26日, Mayor Jean Stothert 以及大奥马哈商会 took a huge step in bringing one of the ConnectGO priorities into reality by 建议发展 一个有轨电车 作为城市核心交通系统的一部分.

This is an important step for Greater Omaha, and there is plenty more to come!

ConnectGO heard from more than 8,000 people about their perspectives and priorities to build the 康涅狄格州区域交通战略. 看看有轨电车是如何融入这个计划的.


第一阶段收集了来自8个以上的反馈,000 individuals across the region about transportation preferences. What emerged was a significant disconnect between how people currently move around versus what they would prefer.



威尔第集团, 2021年6月

4000多名奥马哈人参加了这次活动 ConnectGO“上班” 研究 said they want more choices in how they commute during the workweek. The new report also reveals that demand for working from home among people throughout the region is higher than ever before.

该报告是与联合国儿童基金会合作编写的 都市圈规划局, 威尔第集团 以及大奥马哈商会, shares data on how employees got to work before the pandemic, during 2020 and how they would prefer to get to work in the future, 如果他们有交通工具的话, 骑自行车, 拼车和步行. The 研究 is based on surveys that targeted employees at more than 20 organizations in the metro.

The report’s over所有 results present a notable opportunity: Surveyed employers could shift 17% of pre-pandemic, drive-alone trips to active commuting and working from home, 如果他们提供支持性的项目. A major theme that emerged in the responses is employees’ desire for more choices in how they commute throughout the week.


ConnectGO is 所有 about asking the right questions:

I’ve been hearing a lot about transportation in the news lately. Why do we need another transportation plan if so many people are already working on it?
  • ConnectGO解决了如何 所有 current and future transportation efforts can connect to create an equitable, 可访问的, 和现代化的区域交通系统. 在一起, we’re developing a coordinated strategy among existing transportation initiatives and developing an action plan to ensure we are addressing our larger community ch所有enges.
  • 到目前为止,我们的工作表明,进入安全, 负担得起的, and efficient transportation is a priority for residents, 整个地区的企业和机构. 然而, some of us lack access to our existing transportation system because of their income, 能力, 年龄, 或者他们住在哪里. This prevents people from getting to and from good-paying jobs, 学校, 娱乐, 限制了我们地区的发展. 缺乏接触就等于缺乏机会.

We believe this transportation strategy must be transformative in order to be effective. If we don’t act now – and act boldly – our region’s competitive value diminishes. 

It’s imperative that we keep talented people here — and attract new residents — if we are going to realize our future vision for regional success. Data shows that good access to a variety of transportation modes is attractive to the next generation.

  • 的ConnectGO 目标和原则 were defined through input input from people in the urban, 郊区, and rural communities that make up the Greater Omaha region – people like you.
  • ConnectGO涵盖了所有形式的交通工具, including how we maintain and preserve our roads and how we use land. Transportation makes a meaningful difference in people’s lives because it’s how we access education, 就业和彼此. While you may or may not see a significant change in your own transportation experience, our community will become stronger and more connected as a result of ConnectGO.
I don’t think ConnectGO is going to impact my area much, so why should I care?
  • 的ConnectGO 目标和原则 were defined through input input from people in the urban, 郊区, and rural communities that make up the Greater Omaha region – people like you.
  • ConnectGO涵盖了所有形式的交通工具, including how we maintain and preserve our roads and how we use land. Transportation makes a meaningful difference in people’s lives because it’s how we access education, 就业和彼此. While you may or may not see a significant change in your own transportation experience, our community will become stronger and more connected as a result of ConnectGO.
我总是需要开车到处走走. 更好的区域交通对我有什么影响?

Of course cars will remain a key mode of transportation. But having fewer of them on the roads — because we have more choices — means shorter, 为那些开车和开车的人提供更安全的通勤, 我们的道路磨损更少, can help us better man年龄 the costs of road repairs in the future.

It also means safer and more efficient movement of freight and can impact how neighborhoods grow and develop to provide access to 学校 and jobs.


ConnectGO is a bold transportation strategy uniting the people and businesses of Greater Omaha around shared goals for our region. 注重公平, 可访问的, and modern transportation to improve our quality of life and bolster our economic strength, ConnectGO将连接人们, 机会, and communities through an actionable transportation strategy for today and tomorrow. ConnectGO is an initiative of the 大奥马哈商会, 智慧城市, 和都会区规划局(MAPA)

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